"Even if I knew that tomorrow the world would go to pieces, I would still plant my apple tree." - Martin Luther.
Apparently Martin Luther King Jr's father adopted the name from Martin Luther which I did not know...
There seems to be a lot of conspiracies due to this virus which I read and hear which some of it may be true.
There may be some evil along the humans, but I also believe there are a lot of good as well.
I would much rather believe in the good of the humanity and even this current situation is happening FOR us and not TO us.
What we can control is how we live each day and REFLECT and EVALUATE at the end of the day.
There was an interesting advice from Brendon Burchard how he looks back at his days.
I used to look back at my days, but not really too strategically.
So I made my own way and changed the way I reflect and evaluate. Which I will probably look back in a years time and think I wanna change that now...
4 points I look at and evaluate with the score out of 10 each.
Elevate - Excellence - Evolve - Energy.
It can be things like, did I Elevate people around me or the environment or the society in any way.
Did I do my job/tasks communicate etc with Excellence.
Did I grow and learn something new, tried something new to Evolve.
Was I energetic and did I maintain or raise positive, kind energy to keep the standards high etc...
One thing I can say is that it is much easier and more enjoyable for me to keep the journal this way and reflect on the day.
The scores are not always high and I have failed many times to get good scores.
I wish everyone's Easter Holiday has been a HAPPY one and wish everyone's health and safety!!
1つ良いアドバイスをBrendon Burchard氏が言っており、今までは振り返ってはいたけど、ここまで戦略的に振り返ってはいなかったなと思いました。
Elevate - Excellence - Evolve - Energy.